2016年3月11日 星期五

TOEIC 多益閱讀 第五大題單句填空 解題技巧解析 1

TOEIC 多益閱讀   第五大題單句填空 解題技巧解析  1

The results provide strong _______ of a positive relation between stock returns and real estate prices.
(A) evident  (B) evidence  (C) evidenced  (D) evidently

2.名詞 + 名詞 的複合名詞
Kaitlin Rogers is in charge of preparing a report on the company’s _______ procedures.
(A) to save   (B) safe   (C) safely   (D) safety
If you have extra money, seek the services of objective ________ advisors who can help you design a plan that will satisfy your needs.
(A) finance   (B) finances   (C) financially   (D) financial

Despite the installation of the new computer system, gains in office productivity were only _______.
(A) moderate   (B) moderation   (C) moderately    (D) moderator

Many small companies have not been able to attract a sufficient number of workers despite ______
growth in the services sector.
(A) impressive   (B) impression   (C) impressed   (D) impress

更多資訊: http://pokuyo.com/toeic.html

